Week of Positivity (SOW)


Under the Education Bureau's "Campaign on Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom" (SOW Campaign) in the 2022/2023 school year, students participated in a series of English activities ranging from SOW Sharing to International Week that encourages students to embrace diversity in the community.


Not only did some of our SOW Ambassadors participate in SOW Sharing, some of them participated in a Debating Contest as well. When students prepared the morning sharing and the stall games, they explored and appreciated cultures from different countries. Students also learned to describe different aspects of life in English.


A web page entitled “A Collection of English Learning Activities for the Promotion of Values Education: Examples from the School-based Activity” showcasing a collection of school practices in planning and implementing the “Week of Positivity” has been developed ( www.edb.gov.hk/WoP_examples ).


We are of much honour to be selected to share the joy of the rewarding experience incorporating elements of values education both inside and outside classroom. The students also received the Certificate of Achievement for each SOW Ambassador from the Education Bureau.