Scotland Study Tour 2019


In early November, four F.5 students, Tobias Leung, Joe Cheung, Sally Tse and Cherry Au, and two F.4 students, Alice Lau and Jolie Tam accompanied by Mr. Jonathan Chow (Deputy Head of the English Language Department), went on an exchange tour to Edinburgh, Scotland. During the trip, the students were arranged to stay with their host families and had the chance to have lessons with their Scottish buddies. Thus, this gave them an opportunity to have a real taste and in-depth understanding of the life as a Scottish student and the culture there.


Mr. Chow, the chaperone teacher, had professional discussions with the Deputy Head Teachers and English teachers of Royal High School (RHS), in which he had learned some good practices from RHS. He was very impressed in particular by how History was taught at RHS. In the History lessons, students can see and touch the “real stuff” from the World War II which would have been stored in the museum back in Hong Kong. He was also inspired by how Scottish teachers incorporate Greek Mythology with social issues in students learning. It has truly motivated students to first read Greek Mythology and on the other hand understand the current affairs in Scotland.


The highlights of the trip were the training workshop held at Boroughmuir High School and the SCEN Youth Summit. At Boroughmuir, students were asked to create an app to quiz students about Cyber Resilience and they were asked to present their ideas about the design to their parents at home and parents had to write down feedback on their ideas. The learning collaboration does not only happen between teachers and students, but also parents. At the SCEN Youth Summit, our students had the chance to give a presentation in front of the guest of honour - Lord Wilson, the former governor of Hong Kong, and more than three hundred students from Hong Kong as well as their counterparts from around Scotland.


As the trip was an eye-opening and inspiring experience for the students and the teacher concerned, they all felt extremely privileged to be given such an amazing opportunity in the cultural exchange.